The rise of cryptocurrency as a new asset class is transforming the way asset and treasury managers think about portfolio diversification, capital allocation, and operational efficiency. As institutional interest in digital assets continues to grow, one of the key challenges for managers is how to safely and effectively enter the space. With a range of options for custody, trading, analytics, and other infrastructure services, making the right choices can be daunting, especially in an environment where rapid technological change is the norm.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the common concerns and considerations for asset and treasury managers entering the crypto market and explain why partnering with Arrel, and its Digital Asset Platform (DAPL), provides a strategic advantage.

Navigating Uncertainty in Crypto Infrastructure and Tools

One of the first hurdles asset and treasury managers face when considering digital assets is the sheer complexity of the infrastructure. Unlike traditional markets, where established custodians, exchanges, and data providers dominate, the crypto ecosystem is more fragmented. Each service provider—from custodians to analytics platforms—offers different capabilities, features, and costs. For teams unfamiliar with this landscape, the unknown can be overwhelming.

Many asset managers are concerned about regulatory compliance, security, and how to efficiently manage workflows in a decentralized environment. How can one trust that they are selecting the right tools for their specific needs? For institutions just starting out in this space, a solid infrastructure foundation is essential to mitigate risk and streamline operations.

Arrel’s DAPL addresses this uncertainty by providing a comprehensive platform that integrates with multiple leading custody providers, exchanges, and analytics tools. This integration not only abstracts away the complexity but also delivers the flexibility to choose or switch between providers as needed, without requiring a complete overhaul of your operational infrastructure. This adaptability allows managers to focus on strategy and execution while relying on Arrel to handle the underlying technology.

Choosing the Right Partner in a Fragmented Ecosystem

The crypto space offers no shortage of service providers, whether for custody, trading, compliance, or treasury management. However, the challenge for asset and treasury managers is choosing the right partner who not only fits their immediate needs but can also scale with them as their roadmap evolves.

Adaptability is key. For instance, you may start with a single custody solution but find that it no longer suits your needs as your digital asset portfolio expands or regulatory requirements change. Switching providers in a siloed infrastructure could mean an entire system overhaul, leading to costly downtime and operational inefficiencies.

Arrel’s DAPL solves this problem by offering an open, flexible architecture that allows institutions to plug and play with different providers. Whether you want to use one custodian today and another tomorrow, or change your analytics provider down the road, DAPL makes it easy to adjust your infrastructure without disrupting your entire operation. By abstracting these services, Arrel provides the freedom to evolve as the market and your institution’s needs change.

Additionally Arrel’s advisory services are on hand to assist in navigating this journey.

Managing Assets and Operations Across Multiple Providers

One of the most significant operational challenges for asset and treasury managers in the crypto space is managing assets across a variety of providers. Many institutions find themselves juggling multiple platforms for custody, trading, and compliance, each with its own unique interface and workflow. This fragmentation can lead to operational inefficiencies, data silos, and heightened risk, particularly when it comes to ensuring seamless reporting and auditing processes.

Arrel’s DAPL eliminates these pain points by serving as a unifying platform that connects to your chosen providers through API integration. The platform’s advanced features include automated transaction processing, real-time portfolio monitoring, and KYT (Know Your Transaction) checks via Chainalysis, making it easier to manage compliance and security across multiple touchpoints. DAPL’s comprehensive analytics engine also provides deep insights into liquidity, trading execution, and risk exposure, giving asset managers a holistic view of their portfolio and operations.

Additionally, DAPL offers a treasury management tool designed specifically for counterparty risk management, ensuring that your institution is always in control of its assets and obligations. With live monitoring and 24-hour alerts, Arrel provides peace of mind when it comes to managing the complexities of crypto asset operations.

Why choose Arrel?

In the fast-changing world of crypto, asset and treasury managers need more than just a service provider—they need a partner who understands digital asset complexities and offers the right tools, flexibility, and support to succeed.

Arrel’s Digital Asset Platform (DAPL) provides an adaptable, secure, and unified solution to manage crypto assets across multiple providers. Key benefits include:

  • Seamless integration with top providers for custody, trading, and analytics, offering flexibility for future changes.
  • Advanced management tools for automating transactions, risk management, and real-time compliance.
  • Abstracted infrastructure that allows easy switching between providers without operational disruptions.
  • Regulatory and security excellence, including KYT checks and ongoing audits, ensuring compliance.

Partnering with Arrel minimizes risk, simplifies crypto management, and supports your institution's growth in the evolving digital asset space.

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